Two And A Half Men Sweepstakes Word Of The Day

Enter the Two and A Half Men Sweepstakes Contest for your chance to win a $5,500 American Express gift card.

How To Enter: Watch syndicated episodes of Two And A Half Men (the “Show”) weekdays and look for the word of the day also be referred to as “Character of the Day” will appear on the screen and then go to this link or and follow the online instructions to register by entering all information requested on the registration form, and once you filled out the entry form now click on the submit button to complete the registration form. Click Here for rules.

Date:Word Of The Day / Character of the Day
March 11, 2024CHARLIE
March 12, 2024ALAN
March 13, 2024Jake
March 14, 2024Rose
March 15, 2024Berta
March 18, 2024Charlie
March 19, 2024Alan
March 20, 2024Jake
March 21, 2024Rose
March 22, 2024Berta
March 25, 2024Charlie
March 26, 2024Alan
March 27, 2024Jake
March 28, 2024Rose
March 29, 2024Berta

Who Can Enter: Open only to legal residents of the 50 United States and District of Columbia who have reached the age of 18 years old at the time of entry.

Sweepstakes Period: This Sweepstakes entry begins on Monday, March 11, 2024, at 6:00:00 a.m. Pacific Time (“PT”) and ends at 5:59:59 a.m. PT on Saturday, March 30, 2024.

Who’s Sponsor: Warner Bros. Television, WarnerMedia, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., AT&T, LaunchPad, Inc. d/b/a Man Crates.

One (1) National Grand Prizewinner will receive the following: A Five Thousand Dollar ($5,000.00) American Express gift card.

Fifteen (15) National Daily Prize winners: A Five Hundred Dollar (US $500.00) gift card or cash or cash equivalent (as determined by Sponsor in Sponsor’s sole discretion)

One Hundred (100) National Runner-Up Prize winners will each receive: TWO AND A HALF MEN koozie (ARV of US $1.00)

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