MLF Toyota Road to REDCREST Sweepstakes
Enter the MLF Toyota Road to REDCREST Sweepstakes for your chance to win a 2025 Toyota 4Runner worth $60,000, Two runners-up will each receive $500.
How To Enter
Entry Method 1: Online (Jan 6 – Mar 2, 2025)
- Visit sweepstakes page:
- Follow the instruction and complete the entry form.
- One entry per person daily
- Winner gets $2,000 gift cards + chance at grand prize
Entry Method 2: At Event (Apr 4-6, 2025)
- Visit Major League Fishing booth at REDCREST EXPO in Huntsville, AL
- Get ticket, enter info at kiosk
- Two winners picked for chance at grand prize
Final Game (Apr 6, 2025)
- Three finalists (1 online winner + 2 event winners)
- Each picks from 15 boxes
- One box has winning key
- Key finder wins Toyota 4Runner
- Other two runner-up get $500 each
Sweepstakes Rules
Who Can Enter: Open only to legal residents of the 48 contiguous United States and District of Columbia who have reached the age of 21 years old at the time of entry.
Entry Period: This Sweepstakes begins at 12:01 AM Central Time (“CT”) on Monday, January 6, 2025 and ends at 4:00 PM CT on Sunday, April 6, 2025.
Entry Limit: Limit one (1) entry per person per day.
Sponsor: Major League Fishing, LLC, 30 Gamble Lane, Benton, KY 42025.
One (1) Grand Prize: A 2025 Toyota 4Runner (up to $60,000 value).
- Must have valid license and insurance
- Winner pays taxes/fees
- Car delivered within 6 months
Two (2) Runner-Up – $500 each.
Must be present at expo on April 6 to play final game. Missing it forfeits your chance to win.