Wondering Fox Bet Super 6 Private Contest is fake or real / legit? then you come to the right place guys if you got the email regarding this that you have won private contest then trust me guys this is fake / scam, There is no such contest is organized by Fox Sports aka Fox Bet Super 6, If you really want to take participate in the fox super 6 contest then below is link where you will know how to play this contest. Good Luck.!!
Have you got the email too that you have won Fox Bet Super 6 Private Contest? if so, then you can comment below.
Yes I just won tonight. They said I will get an email at the of the week.
I won Sunday night as well. They said the exact same thing I would get an email later this week.
I won on the spin to the private contest. I got the email later in the week. I opened it up and it said I had to answer some questions by Friday 1/28. When I try to open the link it takes me right back to the fox bet 6 app. Nothing extra is in the app nor is there any questions for the private contest. It says the winners will be announced on Monday.
Got the spin lo private contest but never received the email. My husband got it 3 times and never received an email.
Yeah I got to private content entry supposed to get an email never got the email what the hell.
I just won tonight. They said I will get an email at the of the week.
I won on the private contest spin too. Got the email to enter but I had to answer questions first. But while clicking on the enter button it brings me to the actually game site again. Yup I mean again. Yeah Fourth time winning on this spin to enter this so called private contest. Where? Come on can I get something out of this finally. HOLY COW